Saturday, February 17, 2007


Ok, here are the Hiragana symbols, I copied and used this chart to learn Hiragana. Please notice that on the left the symbols have " and little circles. This is used to change the sound.

When you are to add " (Chong Chongs) to Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko, they become Ga Gi Gu Ge Go.

For the S section they become Sa -> Za, Su -> Zu, Se -> Ze, So -> Zo, but wait, where is Shi? Shi becomes the elusive Ji ( :P ).

Ta -> Da, Tsu -> Du, Te -> De, To -> Do, once again, where is Chi? It also becomes Ji. The "N" section never uses Chong Chongs.

The H section, accompanied by Fu, has Chong Chong and the little circle with it. Chong Chongs make these symbols "B". That little circle makes this section "P". That's it for Chong Chongs and the circle.

BUT WAIT! There's more to it. Ya Yu and Yo are fun symboles. When you are to add a smaller than normal sized Ya Yu or Yo to Shi, it will become Sha (With a small Ya), Shu (With a small Yu), and a Sho (Do i really need to explain?) Giving you a Sha Shi Shu and Sho =D. Now it gets even more complicaed!!!!!! Remember how Shi + Chong Chong = Ji? Right, Shi + Chong Chongs + Small Ya Yu or Yo = Ja (Must I explain? The small Ya), Ju (The small Yu) and Jo (Small Yo).


Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko

Ga Gi Gu Ge Go = K+Chong Chongs

Sa Shi Su Se So

Za Ji Zu Ze Zo = S+Chong Chongs

Ta Chi Tsu Te To

Da Ji Du De Do = T+Chong Chongs

Na Ni Nu Ne No

Ha Hi Fu He Ho

Ba Bi Bu Be Bo = H+ Chong Chongs

Pa Pi Pu Pe Po = H+ Chong Chongs

Ma Mi Mu Me Mo

Ra Ri Ru Re Ro

Ya Yu Yo

Wa Wo


These rules are the same for Katakana, which will be posted at another time. Although Katakana has some special surprises =D
Click on PHOTO to enlarge

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